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MapLink™ | Procedures | Off-Site Parking Spaces

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Off-Site Parking Spaces
Off-site parking spaces.
The parking spaces required in § 116-184D herein may be located elsewhere than on the same lot when authorized as a special exception, subject to the following conditions:
A. That the owners of two or more establishments shall submit with their application for special exception a site plan showing joint use and location of a common off-street parking area.
B. That some portion of the common off-street parking area lies within 200 feet of an entrance, regularly used by patrons, into the building served thereby.
C. That the Zoning Hearing Board may, in its discretion, reduce the required aggregate amount of required parking space upon determination that the greater efficiency is effected by joint use of a common parking area, but in no case shall the ratio of total off-street parking area to total sales-floor area be reduced less than 25%.
See Article XXVI: Off-Street Parking and Loading for all the detailed information on parking in the Township.