Data for informational use only. Note the November 2024 Spring Mill/Conshohocken Area Zoning Update. Got it!

MapLink™ Procedures | Traffic Requirements and Permit Application (LIM and LIM-X Industrial Districts)

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Traffic Requirements and Permit Application (LIM and LIM-X Industrial Districts)
1. Traffic to and from streets.
Provision shall be made for safe and efficient ingress and egress to and from streets and highways serving the site. All means of access to any tract in a Limited Industrial District from any street shall be so located and designed as to minimize the effect on existing traffic and adjacent land uses. All access and internal circulation streets shall be constructed or treated so as to be substantially dust-free and mud-free. A traffic circulation and control plan shall be prepared and filed with the Township for approval. The Township may require the owners in a Limited Industrial District to provide traffic control by various means when vehicles are entering or crossing streets for the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
2. Application and review by Planning Commission.
A. When deemed appropriate by the Zoning Officer, plans for any use in a Limited Industrial District shall be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any zoning permit or certificate of occupancy as provided in Article XXX, and such plans shall include, in addition to other applicable requirements, the following:
(1) A plot plan of the lot showing the location of all present and proposed buildings, drives, parking lots, waste disposal facilities and other constructional features on the lot and all buildings, streets, alleys, highways, streams and other topographical features of the lot and within 200 feet of any lot line.
(2) Architectural plans for any proposed building and/or addition.
(3) A description of the industrial operations proposed in sufficient detail to indicate water pollution, fire hazard or safety hazards.
(4) Engineering and architectural plans for the handling and disposal of sewage and industrial waste.
(5) Engineering and architectural plans for the handling of any excess traffic congestion, noise, glare, air pollution, water pollution, fire hazard or safety hazard.
(6) Designation of the fuel proposed to be used and any necessary architectural and engineering plans for controlling smoke.
(7) The proposed number of shifts to be worked and the maximum number of employees on each shift.
(8) Landscaping plan for all front yards, side yards and rear yards, which shall show the location, species and size of trees and shrubs and area to be in lawn, and which plan shall be submitted to the Shade Tree Commission for approval prior to the issuance of any permit.
(9) Any other data that the Planning Commission may require.
B. The Planning Commission shall review all plans and the data submitted to it and shall submit such plans and data, together with any recommended conditions for the issuance of a permit, to the Zoning Officer.
C. As a guide for recommendations by the Planning Commission, the following provisions shall be considered:
(1) The plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the orderly development of the Township with the purpose of this chapter to promote the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the Township.
(2) The appropriate use of the property adjacent to the area included in the plan will be safeguarded.
(3) The development will consist of harmonious groupings of buildings, service and parking area circulation and open spaces, planned as a single unit, in such manner as to constitute a safe, efficient and convenient industrial site.
(4) The uses to be included will be limited to those permitted by § 116-144: Use regulations.
(5) There is adequate provision made for safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation within the boundaries of the site.
(6) Provision is made for safe and efficient ingress and egress to and from public streets and highways serving the site without undue congestion to or interference with normal traffic flow within the Township.
(7) Adequate off-street parking and loading space will be provided in accordance with Article XXVI: Off-Street Parking and Loading and § 116-138: Traffic to and from streets and § 116-140: Off-street parking and loading of this article as an integral part of the plan.
(8) All buildings within the development shall be served by a central sanitary sewage disposal system.
(9) If the development is to be carried out in progressive stages, each stage shall be so planned that the foregoing requirements and intent of this chapter shall be fully complied with by the development at the completion of any stage.
D. This process applies to applications that do not otherwise constitute a subdivision and/or land development as defined by Chapter 105: Subdivision and Land Development of the Township Code.